Computer Systems Lab
Connecting & Supporting the Computer Sciences Department
CSL Account Usage Policies

CSL Account Usage Policies

The Computer Systems Lab (CSL) develops and maintains the research and instructional computing facilities for the Computer Sciences Department. The computing resources need to be used judiciously in order to meet the needs of the department’s students, faculty, and staff. The policies given here seek to promote usage directly related to the department’s missions and eliminate unrelated, illegal and abusive usage.

Policies On Account Use

Users of CSL Computing Facilities are bound by all applicable University IT Policies , particularly:

Users of CSL computing facilities are also bound by CSL Account Usage Policies below:

Instructional Computing Facilities

Instructional computing facilities are to be used only for Computer Sciences Department course work and personal research. Computer Sciences instructional facilities may not be used in support of a sponsored (funded) research project without permission from the Director.

Personal Research Using Computer Sciences Instructional Facilities

Experimentation and exploration is a legitimate part of the learning process. Students who have an account may use the instructional computing facilities for personal research to the extent that such use does not interfere with other users’ course work or violate University IT Policies or other CSL Account Usage Policies. Students should understand that the Computer Systems Lab can not support personal research activity, so requests for additional resources (disk space, accounts, software, etc.) for personal research can not be honored, other than software that CSL staff determine to be of general interest and reasonable to provide.

Research Computing Facilities

Research computing facilities should be used in accordance with the research purpose of the resource.

Account Suspension Policy

Violators of these policies may have their use of CSL computing facilities suspended pending clarification of the situation. Access to CSL computing facilities may also be suspended to protect University resources in the event of a suspected IT security incident, or as otherwise directed by University authorities, including, but not limited to the Provost or Dean of Students.

Alumni accounts

Courtesy accounts

Graduate student accounts

Undergraduate major accounts