Computer Systems Lab
Connecting & Supporting the Computer Sciences Department
Zoom Settings and Basic Usage

Zoom Settings and Basic Usage

Zoom is available to Faculty, Staff and Students.

Basic usage:

Zoom is integrated with NetID for authentication. A few important notes are below. For more complete information, see UW-Madison Zoom - Getting started

Desktop Client

If you are using the desktop zoom client with a non-UW Zoom account, make sure to log out of the non-UW account, and un-check the “remember me” box.

Login by clicking on the Sign In with SSO button. It will prompt for your username/email addres: enter your email address, then click Continue.

If prompted, enter your NetID credentials on the UW-Madison NetID login page in your web broswer.

Web Portal

The UW-Madison Zoom web portal is

Canceling Meetings

Zoom meetings can only be canceled in the desktop client. “Hover” the mouse over the meeting, and you will either see a “Delete” button, or a button with three dots, which includes the “delete” option.

Test Meeting

You can test your zoom client by using the Zoom test meeting


DoIT has changed some of the Zoom default settings, for security best practices and to comply with FERPA. Almost all can be changed by you. The challenge is knowing what to change. DoIT is working on a document of what was changed from the defaults, and therefore may not match your expectations or the Zoom documentation.

There are only three settings that are locked and can not be changed, and they all related to privacy and security of recorded sessions:

  • Only authenticated users can view cloud recordings: Netid Authentication is required.
  • Recording disclaimer: A UW recording disclaimer will be shown when a session is recorded.
  • Multiple audio notifications of recorded meeting

Some settings that you may want to change:

On the Meeting settings tab:

  • Waiting Room is on by default. You probably want to turn that off or modify the details, if you also change some other settings. Note that in Zoom terms “your account” means all of UW-Madison

  • Only authenticated users can join meetings - leaving this on is slightly higher security. You can also change the authentication methods when you schedule a meeting. Note: If you are using pre-assigned breakout rooms, users must be authenticated.

  • Only authenticated users can join meetings from Web client - similar to the previous, but only for the web client. Note that the web client is not full featured, and use is discouraged (everyone is encouraged to download the “desktop” client)

  • Join before host - Allow participants to join the meeting before the host arrives - you probably want to turn this OFF if you are not using a waiting room, otherwise anyone can join (and start the meeting before you) if they have the URL. For group meetings, allowing Join before host is probably good, so your group can socialize if they are early, or hold the meeting if you can’t join.

  • Disable desktop/screen share for users - you probably want to turn this off. This is not controlling who can share (present), only if you can share a “desktop” or “screen” in addition to an application. Sharing the desktop or screen is often useful (and necessary to share an iPad screen from the desktop, as we found out).

  • Nonverbal feedback and Meeting reactions are very useful. You can re-enable them.

  • Allow participants to rename themselves - also very useful and friendly to participants. In a multi-organization meeting, participants are often asked to rename themselves to include their organization or department. You probably don’t want to allow this for a large class.

  • Email notification: When attendees join meeting before host: Turn off, otherwise you will get an email for each person who joins before you do (if enabled).

On the Recordings settings tab:

  • Local recording - if you want to save a recording to your computer. You probably don’t want this. If you do, uncheck “Hosts can give participants the permission to record locally”

  • Cloud recording - if you want the option to record meetings, you probably want to save them to the cloud.

  • To enable recording, either local or cloud recording (or both) has to be enabled. You may want to adjust the recording settings for what is recorded.

  • Automatic recording – DON’T TURN THIS ON. You can control automatic recording when you schedule a meeting. If you turn this on, it will be on for all meetings you schedule.